
Monday, 15 December 2014

All that glitters is not gold.

Dear reader,

I'm an open minded woman, I've seen most things, some very strange indeed. Last week I was shocked. Now it takes a lot to shock me. Honestly, it does.

Now I'm about to tell you the latest craze but I am warning you to read NO FURTHER if you have an aversion to.........poo, faeces, kaka, plops or shite.

What will they think of next? Glitter pills, that's what. Oh they do them in lovely colours. Pinks, pastels, Christmas shades of gold, silver and myrrh, the colours of the rainbow, the Coloursof your national flag for the patriotic types, heck, they even do glow in the dark!

Now, here we all are writing our happy little blogs. Talking about gorgeous recipes, saving money, knitting, darning and quilting when there are people out they who are EATING GLITTER TO MAKE THEIR POO GO PRETTY AND SPARKLY.

It goes against all my frugal ways and they're not cheap, oh no. You can even get gold leaf ones that, well, turn it gold.

As my mother said when I told her, "Whose benefit is it for? "