
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Stretchy pie.

Dear reader,

Hope you are well. Have a few days off work which is great although has taken me two days of afternoon snoozes and 10 hours at night to feel fully recovered.

Have been raiding the freezer and larder to use up leftovers that I have stashed. One of our recent meals was a beef stew in the slow cooker. There was a bit left which I froze but not really enough for two more dinners.
I had a couple of packs of Approved Foods pastry mix in the larder and thought A pie would use the remains of the beef stew. I chopped three carrots and par boiled and added them to bulk out a bit, also chopped some mushrooms which were lurking in the fridge, just reaching the slightly wet stage.
I was chuffed to make another two meals from leftovers. 


We had this with chips and peas. 
Mushy peas are 17p a tin in Asda and tinned potatoes 15p. I like these in the larder for quickness. 

Did the weekly shopping today and spent £55 in Asda. Am still in awe of people who do it for much less.

Despite not writing myself for a while, I have been reading your blogs daily. I love hearing of all the different lives going on that we share on our blogs. I sometimes have real difficulty entering the numbers and letter which let me leave a comment. 
So here is a hello and thank you to you: Frugal Queen, Elaine Collier MF in 3, Pam in Tydd, Karen at Chelmarsh, SFT, Sue (both of you) Mean Queen Ilona, John at Going Gently (very, very funny) Angela at Tracing Rainbows, 9-5, Frugal in Norfolk and Suffolk, Snap that and CT mum. 

Everyday life on a shoestring-please forgive my sloathness. I haven't forgotten you. X



  1. Wow, your pie just popped up in my sidebar and it looks delicious....droool.... Its make me think about making one this week, I love a nice pie. Nothing wrong with £55 asda spend it is far less than you used to spend isnt it. I would be comfortable with that for two of us. My problem is I need to use up whats in stock before being lured into buying more! Please tell me if the number thing is on my blog, I thought it was switched off, I hate the darn thing, but reailse some bloggers like to use it...each to their own.
    Take care and enjoy your time off xx

  2. It's a good feeling to make a meal from what you have in stock. :)

  3. You've done well with stretching the food and making meals from leftovers! Good for you and thanks for the shout out. I really appreciate it. Don't worry about how much you spend compared to others. I think the real test is how much you spend compared to what you used to spend and then keep trying to better your numbers. Have a wonderful weekend. xox
