
Thursday 6 June 2013

Planting salad, eating junk!

Dear reader,

Thank you to all those who sent me growing advice. We do have a greenhouse which we love. It was here when we moved in and we never had one before. It's brilliant.

Tonight I planted some more mixed salad leaves, rocket and lettuce. We have got quite a few seed packets so will get growing.
We both adore runner beans so will try some of those. Can I just put them in a big pot with some canes? I always remember my grandad growing them and seem to remember a complex cane frame.

We haven't been food shopping yet but we are running out of milk and bread.

I have joined Bzz Agent after reading about it one of your blogs. It's pronounced Buzz Agent and the idea is that you complete a few surveys, nothing major then they email you to see if you want to try a product. If you agree, you don't have to, they send you vouchers to buy the product and some extras to give to friends. After you try it you buzz about it, either blog, Facebook, Twitter etc and do a little write up.
So far I've got a load of cheeses from Tesco, mousse hair colour and blister plasters. Very varied.
Quite good though, only been on it a couple of weeks.

My dieting has been a disaster. I just can't stop eating. It's like a really weird addiction, even if I'm not hungry. Part of me wants to lose weight and the other part is obsessing about food.

Does anyone else constantly graze? I feel like a large heffer!

Any ideas or suggestions for dieting would be a help.

Am signing off as Fatty in Bucks tonight



  1. Hey 'Fatty' stop beating yourself up over the weight issue! Just make some gradual changes and swing the balance to either healthier options or smaller portions. I'm jealous to hear you have a green house and your own 'Mellors'
    Runner beans and climbing french beans ridiculously easy, just put up a wigwam and plant. Both freeze very well but you must water and pick often. Courgettes easy too. I'm going to look into your bzz tip - thanks and happy harvesting !

    1. Thank Emma,

      I will try to eat more healthily. Crisps and bread will have to go I think.
      I will have a go with the beans. We have the canes so will task big man this weekend.
      I thought I'd try the bzz thing, might get a few freebies anyway.

      Much love
      Sarah x

  2. We started small - stopping buying crisps. Then a few months later we cut back on eating cakes and chocolate, eating more fruit instead (I know not so useful on a budget) but it did work. I have lost at least one dress size and now am able to resist sweet things easier, and really look forward to eating fruit, veg and salad. I was pondering the other day about the cost of 'good' foods compared to bad, moaning especially about the cost of seedless grapes, then realised that two nice cakes from the bakery would cost at least £1.20 and would be gone in a few seconds, then thought that a punnet of grapes costing £2 did not seem such bad value! Hope this helps. (It really does help NOT having the 'bad' food in the house).

  3. Runner beans are pretty easy although we start in trays in the greenhouse as sometimes when you just put the seeds in the ground they come up and then get nipped off by something nasty. Had to smile at your sign off name today - think thin! ( It doesn't work for me but I'm past caring!)

  4. Oh give over, don't beat yourself up :) If you just want to try a few runner beans you can plant them round a large pot and do a wigwam type of thing with your canes...

  5. Good on you for starting to grow your own - it's something I really want to do eventually so I look forward to hearing how you get on (I am a complete novice!)

    Funnily enough I've recently signed up to Bzz Agent too - still waiting on my first campaign though.

    P.S - That's why I don't diet. As soon as I try to, all I do is think about blooming food & snack constantly. So no tips from me :(

  6. My diet advice is give up refined sugar and products containing it altogether. I know this probably sounds really drastic, but the reason it is so hard to resist is that it is addictive. Just trying to have sugary foods occasionally is a bit like trying to go from being a heavy smoker to having one cigarette a day - do able, but hard as the addiction is still there. Once you quit and the cravings go it is much easier (although giving up sugar is tough -don't underestimate how hard it is). I gave up refined sugar around March this year and have slowly lost over a stone since then.
