
Tuesday 4 June 2013

What do you grow?

Dear reader,

As you know, I am a fan of Frugal Queens faggots. That sounds a bit weird but you know what I mean.

I always make a batch every month or so and have a few portions in the freezer. So easy to just add some veg and mash when I've been at work all day.

As I was mincing the pork I remembered another recipe of FQ's I had recently seen which was scotch eggs. I always think of summer and picnics when I see them and used to love them as a child.
They do look a bit processed though with the very pink meat and the very over golden breadcrumbs.

As I had the ingredients already, I hard boiled four eggs and kept back a bit of the minced pork with the onion and some herbs. I just moulded this around the peeled eggs and rolled them in breadcrumbs from an old loaf I had stashed in the freezer.
So, so easy and so, so delicious. You must try them, great for food on the go, packed lunches, picnics.
I had to have one as soon as it was cooked. I just put them on a baking tray at 180 for 20 mins.

Today was lovely and sunny and we were both off work so did loads around the house, cleaning, washing, hoovering. Big Man has come over all Percy Thrower and is forever in the greenhouse.
He has tomatoes, chillies, lettuce, salad leaves growing. We love it and we had never grown anything before. It is the best feeling to cut your own lettuce and eat it fresh.

We took the little fat dog at the end of the road out for an hour. He screams with joy now when he sees me. His owner can't walk him and he's only 3 so loves to get out. I will be so sad as she has to move soon. We did an hour in the woods where it was nice and cool. It was still hot at 5pm.
I wasn't expecting this hot weather when I bought the faggots ingredients, although, my friend Bernard says they are great eaten cold with a dab of mustard.

We keep all the kitchen scraps and peelings and have a compost bin. After a year we have the most brilliant compost to use. We are both getting into this gardening and outdoors life.
We would love a dog but as we are both at work full time we can't.

Sorry, pics not behaving today.

What do you grow in your garden? Any suggestions for newbies?



  1. I always grow courgettes and dwarf green beans in addition to those things you have mentioned - tomatoes, lettuces, etc. I love Telegraph cucumbers as well, and they grow well in the greenhouse. I am growing spring onions and beetroot as well for the FH, who loves them both.
    Good luck with your gardening xx

  2. Those scotch eggs look yummy. I've made them before and they are much better than bought ones as well as a lot cheaper.

  3. Grow stuff you like to eat, which otherwise costs a lot to buy - that way you get the most return for your growing efforts :-)

    Salads and herbs, also expensive things like dwarf French beans, purple sprouting, spinach/chard aregood. Carrots - at least a few as they are so yum when fresh. Ditto a few spud plants for new potatoes.

    Unless you have a lot of space, main crop spuds, onions. leeks, carrots, cabbages etc are cheaper to buy from a good supplier. A big pot with a few runner or climbing french bean plants is worth it, though, as is a pot with a few Kale plants in. :-)

    A tomato plant ( cherry ones are good) if you have a warm place to gropw it or a greenhouse.


  4. I am still sorting out my garden ready to began planting am not entirely sure what to plant yet. I did pick up some seeds that were on offer the other day tho so so cheap and am going to do give away shortly .

  5. I always grown runner beans, tumbling tomatoes, salad leaves, radishes (as they're so incredibly quick to grow) and last year did perpetual spinach for the first time. I'm definitely not green fingered but all the above do pretty well with the small amount of time I can give them. Oh and herbs too. Good luck with the growing its pretty addictive :)
