
Friday 28 June 2013

Stretching our meals and breakfast loaf

Dear reader,

It has been raining since last night here in Buckinghamshire. Still very warm but damp, almost Caribbean weather-just dreaming.
I have been having a good read of all your blogs and have also found a few new ones that I like.

As you know, I really enjoy cooking, experimenting and making food stretchy that bit further. I have had to as the price of food now is so high.
I discovered this blog Mortgage free in three and Elaine has some great recipes. She set me off wanting to cook today and since we are back at work next week I got going in the kitchen.

I usually cook Big man a breakfast when we are off. Nothing too major, usually poached eggs or some bacon and eggs, that kind of thing. We don't have the full works although I so could!

Yesterday when I delved into the freezer I found three sausages so I defrosted them overnight in the fridge. The trouble was, I fancied a bit of a cooked breaking too. Big man fancied sausage and egg sarnies but so did I now, what to do with just three?
I squeezed them out of their skins and formed them into flat patties and dry fried them.  They tasted better than they looked, they went further and cooked much easier too.

I went back to my blog reading and found a malty loaf recipe on Elaine's blog, Mortgage free in three. I usually find a recipe then realise I'd have to go shopping for the ingredients. Not so this malt loaf, I had them all. Three weetabix,  50g of sugar, 125g of porridge oats, cold tea, 2 eggs and 125g of SR flour. I made it, cooled it, sliced it and it is superb. I thought it would be good to take to work as a kind of breakfast slice as I don't often fancy breakfast at 5am. Here's the recipe Malt loaf

I also used the oven while it was on to make 6 chocolate muffins from an Approved Food packet mix I found in the back of the larder. Big man and I will take these to work in packed lunches.
I cooked my chicken and want to see how many meals I can use it for. We both had full roast dinners today from it with green beans, peas, roast and mash potatoes, parsnips and roasted carrots. I had a clean out of the salad trays in my fridge. You know, the ones that hide all sorts of stuff, well mine do anyway. I found a garlic clove and a very ugly looking bit of root ginger. As I had a load of carrots I peeled them all, chopped into inch size chunks and not wanting to be wasteful, I chopped the garlic and ginger along with some dried chilli and covered them in oil. I poured this over the carrots and they were just wonderful. I plated up two more dinners and we will have the same tomorrow to save me cooking again. I'm at work tomorrow in case you thought I was lazy. I have a plateful of meat left and of course the carcass which won't be wasted. Who else makes stock or soup from the carcass?

A massive hello and welcome to my new followers. I can't seem to see who the latest followers are. Does anyone else know how? Mine aren't in any particular order.
It's always nice to get new followers and I always try to follow you back if you also blog.

I hope you all have a great weekend. 
Much love
FIB. Xxx


  1. Hi
    Just wanted to say Ive made the malt loaf too and it was delicious. Took it to work every day for my lunch. It kept beautifully and actually tasted even nicer by the end of the week.

    Love the blog .

    Trish xx

    1. Thanks Trish,
      I think this could become a regular thing here. Love me blog? I'm well chuffed, thank you. Xxx

  2. Delicious looking food, brilliant way of sharing the sausages. Will try the malt loaf when we are home. Frugal caravanning this week making the most of our NT card and lots of picnics.

    Love Karen xx

  3. The stock from the carcass is one of the best things about roasting a chicken! we're doing "rubber chicken" this week too so I'll check back and see how many meals you get from yours!
