
Sunday, 8 December 2013

Pull you in knickers and small changes.

Dear reader,

Welcome to my blog, I have new followers and a jump in readers. It's brilliant to have you here.

As you know, I have taken the crazy decision to start my New Years diet resolution a bit early.

You know when a girl has her heart set on a certain man (who is usually no good? ) and there's nothing you can do to changer her mind. She has to do it herself. Well that's how I've got with being overweight. I've read all the magazines, seen all the before and after pictures, I know what to eat and how to exercise. So why haven't I done anything about it. It's the same as the girl with the loser.
There's nothing you can say or do until she's makes her mind up.

That's me, I've made my mind up. There are so many benefits from being slim and fit and none to being fat and unfit. It is uncomfortable. My jeans made an ugly red mark round my stomach the other day. I can't bend over easily to do up my shoes. How bad is that? There a tyre there that stops me!
I get out of breath easily. Clothes don't look good and I feel like I'm wearing the baggy loose stuff now.
Does it cover my fat arms?
Do my thighs look huge?
My bum looks massive.
My worst area is my stomach. It's the biggest part. My lower legs are good. Top of arms not so great unless I was a shot putter. Thighs large. Face has double chin.

I have tried the pull you in knickers for special occasions. Ok to start with. A few hours and a couple of drinks later and I feel like my blood has been cut off. The trouble is, where does the roll of fat go that they push in? Well I know, it goes up and over the top of the waistband. Nice!
How many times have I ripped them off in the toilet? (For comfort reasons, thought I should say as sounded a bit sexual)

I wanted to make small changes straight away. It will be a challenge over Christmas and I don't mind having a few treats but I don't want to gorge, feel bloated and sit in front of the telly trying not to fart!
Sorry to mention the wind issue but if I eat loads I do suffer from the odd bit of wind. Sadly we don't have a dog to blame it on. (It's better in a car as you can blame the one in fronts Catalytic convertor.)

I don't know about you but I do use a bit of oil when I cook. Olive oil, a small splash in the pan when frying onions for a curry or a drizzle over a salad. You know when you think you use a small splash, it's probably about a tablespoon. Nothing major, just a tablespoon, OR SO I THOUGHT.

It's bloody well 119 calories in that tablespoon of olive oil and 100% FAT.  A banana has 89 calories and an apple about 50.

That's the first thing I'm changing. Oil.
I do fry a few things, onions especially as I use the for a base for lots of dishes. Well I will be using one of the spray oils now. Fry light is the one I like. One calories a squirt-much better.

That's my first little thing I will change.

If I lose a pound of fat, I will be getting rid of this from my body and that has to be a good thing.

Please join us by adding your name to my list. You don't have to disclose your weight and you can wait till the New Year to start. I just think if we do it together with regular updates, tips from each other and discussions we can learn from each other and be more successful. I plan to do giveaways, recipes and pictures of my weight loss journey. 

Don't be shy, be brave.


  1. Love this post, full of positive vibes. Sorry I can't join you but I shall be cheering you on.

  2. Hi
    I've found you after clicking on your comment on One life's post :] I'd like to join in the challenge please [also joined in with One Lifes challenge] My issues is fitness, I've none, hopefully weight loss will follow but getting fitter is my biggest priority, off to do a walk now, I'll be following your blog, thanks, Helen :]

  3. I'm in and with you all the way - I have the next weight target and I'm not breaking my diet over Christmas! Not a cake or minced pie will pass my lips. I am miserable when I'm fat and can't allow myself to become depressed and fat again! Right here with you lovvie all the way!

  4. I've lost nearly 3 stone on Slimming World healthy eating plan. Plenty of food with few restrictions. Feel so much better.

  5. We must the same body shape, what is it they call it an "apple" yep mine is mostly in the middle, but if I am honest there is a lot all over I have a massive amount of weight to lose, and like you I thought I would like to do something about it before Christmas (make a start at least) as I have just got absolutely sick of feeling all pinched in, my clothes are so tight. I met my parents for lunch today and I have a few winter coats that I drag out each year, a smart one and my day to day one. The smart one was very tight around the arms and chest area (quite big in that area aswell but better than being flat chested!) and I had to resort to the day to day one. Oh well, I am going to try the Paul McKenna way of chewing and listening to my body telling me I am full. I eat as though someone is going to snatch the plate away if I do not tuck in quick and very probably put away much more than I need. I do not eat much in the way of sweet things as I am a diabetic and with a knackered thyroid it takes a long time to lose weight (trying not to sound as though I am making excuses already). Love the blog by the way I have debt to lose also aswell as weight but I want to be fitter and healthier now, the weight will be easier to control and will hopefully shift a lot quicker than the debt, onwards and upwards and positive thinking every step of the way. It always helps to know other people are going through the same thing.

  6. Hi
    I added my name the other day, so today I braved the scales to see just exactly how bad it had got! Well I tipped the scales at 13stone 5lbs - which for someone of only 4ft 11ins is far too much. I reckon that makes my end aim to lose 5 stone, but in the aim of making it appear maybe a bit more reachable I'm going to go for one stone at a time! Taking Christmas into account I'm aiming for the first stone to be off by the end of January and anything sooner is real bonus! My brother is getting married in April and my son is graduating in June so I have got good reasons to stay with it.
    I think you're amazing to give up the cigs and also start to look at the weight. I know you can do it! Here's to a trimmer and slimmer 2014...
    KJ x

  7. I also joined yesterday, saying I was 14 stones and never wanted to go above that. Well, I weighed myself this morning - twice, just to make sure it wasn't the way I was standing or uneven floor . . . . . 14 stones 01 pound. Nooooo!!!
    So I'm going to dig out my Slimming World recipe books (especially the Extra Easy one) and sort out my shopping list for a start. I'm not waiting until after Christmas.
    I definitely need to increase my exercise instead of blaming it on the fact that my elderly dog doesn't want to walk every day. Yes, he DOES! He's never refused to go yet; I'm the one who makes the decision to give his legs a rest.
    I think we will all benefit from sharing our good days and bad - no avoiding the truth and no kidding ourselves that we are OK as we are. I need to lose 3 stones for the sake of my health.

  8. I'm with you xx I can relate to your post and what you've said but I have yet to rip my knickers off in the toilet lol. However my bra strap did break once in Asda , luckily I was at the till so I could escape quickly !

  9. Desparately need to look after myself and shape DOWN in 2014 ! Just been gifted a lovely vintage style bicycle, making plans to regain control and have a happier 2014. Count me in x

  10. I'd like to join in please. I definitely need to get fit and lose a lot if weight. I'm starting now, a health scare being the trigger I needed to get me started.
