
Wednesday 18 December 2013

Weight loss Wednesday giveaway

Dear reader,

I promised a giveaway of the Bottles of Fry Light, the one cal spray that Fry Light kindly sent for me to give to two of my followers and weigh loss Wednesday buddies.

The two names that were drawn out are Katie-Jane and Alison B43.
Please send me your addresses and I will send your Fry Light bottle.

I have just cooked dinner, Big Man is a fan of roast potatoes and I cook these with minimal fuss and minimal damage to my diet as follows. Par boil, drain, shake up, put on baking tray and spray with Fry Light. Cook until brown and crispy.  Just like the regular way but very little fat.

I know next Wednesday is Christmas Day so I'm not expecting a huge weigh in day. I will use this week to try and cut back in preparation for the big stuff fest that is Christmas and Boxing days.

My next weeks giveaway is open to all, you just have to be a follower of this blog.

It is a book called, The Moneyless Man, a year of freeconomic living by Mark Boyle. It's a paperback  book and I will post it anywhere worldwide cos I'm nice like that. I have read it and its very interesting. No so freeconomicly priced for a paperback as the original cost was £10.99!

Please leave a comment saying you would like the book and I will draw it some time over Christmas.
I will do a blog showing the winner a few days later so don't worry if you are too busy for blog reading next week.

There have been some great starts this week and some brave people have shared their weight.Some people are starting on their first diet, some like me are starting out again. I made small changes last week and dropped 3 pounds. Small things make a difference as we know with money saving.
A lot of you are cutting down on bread and that is one of the things I did last week. I felt a lot less bloated. I had a few crisp breads instead of bread and I'm sure it helped.

Anyway, well done, keep going. If you stumble one day, start the next day fresh, don't give up. It will be worth it in the end. No more tight waistbands-that's what I hate.



  1. I would love the book. I am always trying to find ways to economize.
    On another subject I have lost 38 pounds in 5 months and I see that you too are working on that. What helped me the most besides reducing my caloric intake to 1200 calories was doing kettlebell exercises. They burn over 400 calories in 30 minutes. Feel free to email me for motivation

  2. Count me in for your draw, I started on a frugal life earlier this year and need all the inspiration I can get ! Also, a great welcome to my blog. Imagine, maybe you'll change my life !..

  3. Don't count me in the draw as I've read the book. My weight is the same this week, 12 stone 4lbs. Monday, did a 45 minute spin class, Tuesday ran 5k in 46.33 and yesterday did 45 minutes of weight training

    1. Well done. My legs are in agony
      Haven't been for a few days now. The pain is unbearable. Help!

  4. HI

    what a lovely surprise to win the Fry-Light! It will give me a real kick start to the diet!
    I was going to wait til after Christmas to start the diet proper but this has given me the kick to start to cut down just a little bit now! I'll message you my address!

    KJ x

  5. Hi there,
    Oo I won the draw!! I will post address separately. Well done on your weight loss; I am sure my waistband IS tighter with all the goodies, especially at work, but I managed to resist the last of the mince pies and Roses yesterday, just kept my head down and away from the table! There are a set of scales at work, and I have weighed myself on other scales recently and I seem to currently weigh about 11stone 5lb, although I have definitely been at least 2 lbs lighter than that since we got back to Hampshire, so first mini goal is to get down to under 11 stone. I know this is a lot, but I have weighed 14 stone in the past, so still feel quite slim!! Main thing for me is to do more exercise - the swimming pool is literally just at the end of the road so really no excuses! Keep up the good work and well done to everyone else. X

    1. Well done, keep going. Fry light on way soon. X

  6. I should be really interested to read this one!

  7. Please enter me in for the draw. I would love the added encouragement and it would be plain fun to win something!

  8. Ooh I would live this book the last frugal book I owned had a fight with a 3 year old and a bath full of water !

  9. I'd love to have a squint at the book, I have read little snippets of it on Amazon and it certainly looks interesting but as I usually go for the 1p money saving books this one is still a little bit out of my price range just yet, so would love to be selected. Fingers crossed !

  10. That looks an interesting book. I'd like my name to go in the draw if I am not too late

  11. I would love to read this book please can my name go in the draw

  12. I'd love a chance at reading that book. Please be kind enough to put my name in the draw. Thanks x

  13. I'd love a chance at reading that book. Please be kind enough to put my name in the draw. Thanks x

  14. I've heard about that book and would love to read it so please enter me in the draw! Good luck to you and everybody on your weight loss programme. Luckily for me that's one thing I don't need to join in with! xx

  15. Welsh poppy, retro wren and EDLOASS, you are all entered. X
